Recently, I have been quite bothered by Taka because he will not let me get a word in with his father, he wants me only to talk to him. If I try to talk to his dad (or anyone else in fact) he screams at the top of his lungs. Then I of course do the same after unsucessful ignoring...then he says "Taka talk", I say go ahead, and he has nothing to say, so he just says "excuse me". I am trying to teach him properly, but ugh is it frustrating!
Also, in the car when his dad or I beep the horn at ignorant, dangerous driving moves of drivers, Taka always spits and says "go away car". (We have been reading the book "Go Away Big Green Monster.")
Whenever Taka sees garbage on the ground, he picks it up and throws it away. When he was a baby, I thought that I would just do that so he was a little environmentally concious, but it really seems like it has become a part of him. Interesting to watch the personality develop.
Taka often wants to "Talk to the man" or "Talk to the woman" if he thinks he needs to help. He is trying to be a little 3 year old grown-up!
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