Friday, February 11, 2011

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley enjoyed an assembly at a small international kindergarten in Japan. I could not take pictures of students, but will explain. Feb. 3rd is Setsubun (equinox). Out with the demon and in with the happiness. (oni wa soto, uchi wa fuku).

Flat Stanley helped make a setsubun mask.

On the slow train this time!

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley rode the train!
This is JR (Japan Rail) and is a super rapid express train! It is fast!

Flat Stanley enjoyed some Japanese "udon" noodles. (oishi!) (yummy)

No hands free---so Flat Stanley enjoyed this pony ride safe in Taka`s pocket!

Waiting in line to ride the pony! Flat Stanley and Taka were so excited!

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley came to Japan all the way from Stevens Point, Wisconsin to visit us here in the Japanese countryside! As Flat Stanley had jet lag and this host had the mumps, he rested at home for a week and then was an eager beaver for going out and about in Japan. Flat Stanley went to Miki Horseland park with Takafumi and he rode on the "fun bikes" (omoushiroi jitensha). He was brave!
Here he is again being brave on one of the family bikes.

He rode on a popular horse toy call the "Rody". gittee up!

He hung out with a jockee!

He also had a drink from one of the many vending machines that you find everywhere in Japan. The vending machines always have nice hot cans of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and usually corn soup. Yummy! (oishi!)